Sunday, July 26, 2009

My life... let me tell you it.

I've been on an indefinite hiatus from this blog for awhile and who knows if it will continue after I post this. So I figure I'll start out with a recap of the last three weeks because my life has been a maelstrom of activity and I can't even keep it straight anymore.

- I've put 1,000 miles on my car.
- I worked 35-hour work weeks, split between two nursing homes.
- I trained a girl to do my job at Rosewood.
- I subsequently quit my job at Rosewood.
- I'm taking a week vacation (my first in six years) this week... and spending that time moving the rest of my worldly possessions back to Rome.
- I've hung out with Sheena more times in the last two weeks than I've seen her in two years!
- We've decided to start a band again!
- I've gone to two Saranac Thursdays.
- I've seen Gridley Paige play three times... and realized how freaking awesome they are.
- I've met a bunch of new friends.
- I've talked with a bunch of old ones.
- I went to a dive bar in Clinton for Ryan's bday!
- I cleaned up dog puke at 3am.
- I maintained a garden for two weeks.
- I've been dutifully ignoring the Mets implosion.

It'll be nice ending July and starting August with a vacation after the three hell weeks I've just been through (though, FWIW, it hasn't all been hell... just the driving back-and-forth part mostly). August seems to be shaping up to be a wonderful month...

- NYC (Mets game, Statue of Liberty and Stefan and Wendy!) 31st - 2nd.
- GP at Hollyrock on the 6th.
- GP at the Marketplace on the 13th.
- Chiefs/Bisons games on the 18th and 19th.
- GP at Celtic Harp on the 20th.
- Parent's anniversary party.
- First day of classes on the 24th.
- GP at Hollyrock Sylvan Beach on the 29th.

Please note: my life has apparently been abducted and is currently being held hostage by Gridley Paige and I am honestly perfectly fine with that. Two weeks ago I would have told you that I couldn't stand them... well a lot changes in ten years.

Sheena and I saw them play at KRock's first Jingle Ball and, to put it bluntly, they were Terrible (deserving of a capital T in Terrible). So when she told me over a drunken conversation at Saranac that they were playing at Hollyrock in Sylvan Beach, I balked a little bit... but went, albeit begrudgingly. I was expecting Terrible. I got SUPER FUN AND AMAZING and a guitarist that looks like a mix between Ben Folds and Paul Rudd.

Hi, I don't often admit when I am wrong - and hell, I usually hate when I'm wrong. But I was wrong AND AM GLAD OF IT.

So a week later, they played at Celtic Harp after Saranac and Sheena and I went again. And it's a good thing she drove because I decided I wanted to be Noah and put my beers in my belly two-by-two and perhaps black out a little bit (the fact that I had to drive to Syracuse for my last day of work in the morning was obviously not-withstanding). I had, at that point, developed a booze-laden crush on aforementioned guitarist - aptly nomikered Ben Rudd for the sake of conversation - and decided, because I am chicken shit, to write him a letter and put it on his guitar pedal while they were cleaning up.

(The note read "You look like the love child of Ben Folds and Paul Rudd!" and was written on the back of a cigarette box because it was that or a dollar bill and like hell I was giving away my dollar bill. Also it was barely legible.)

So I called out to the drummer to MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE THAT BEN RUDD GETS THIS IMPORTANT PIECE OF LEGISLATION. He agrees... but I'm still wary. And then Luke pushes me to grab the note back and Just Talk To Him Already. So I did. My recollection of the conversation is as follows....

*Him: (Takes note, laughs heartily). I usually get Elvis Costello but I think this is awesome too!
*Him: (laughs at my drunken rambling). I don't even remember the show last Saturday... it was a messy night.
*Him: Not yet for me! You got a head start... I haven't started!
*Him: I don't even know how to get there! Give me directions.
*Me: (contemplates giving directions to my apartment instead of Marketplace but gives some semblance of correct directions, complete with standing with my back to his chest and using arm gestures to indicate direction).
*Him: Well I'll see you then!

A few notes: I did speak in capslock. I spent four hours next to a speaker and was drunk as a skunk. I also believe I did the "get it on" gesture as I walked away... something I'm not particularly proud of. Needless to say, those were the only portions of the conversation that I remember... and the conversation went on much longer than what was just recapped.

TLDR: Talked to Ben Rudd, probably made fool of myself. Am a creeper.

(I also then told the lead guitar player that he looked like Dane Cook in "Waiting" and he laughed and said he's gotten that one before... TWO FOOLS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE APPARENTLY).

In an effort to assuage my retardedness, I showed up at Marketplace yesterday armed with a girl's best weapons: cleavage, eyeliner, and more beer (significantly less beer than Thursday, but enough to unwind nerves of steel). The band played only for an hour and, while I would have preferred a longer set, there's only so much fair atmosphere that I can handle, especially when the girls dancing next to the stage were not wearing bras. So they finish the set and I start walking to talk to Ben Rudd when BAM! ATTACK OF THE CREEPY CHAPSTICK EAR MAN.

*Him: I'm Sebastian.
*Me: That's wonderful. Why are you wearing chapstick in your lobes?
*Him: Because I gauge them and I see you do too but I just make my own gauges.
*Me: You need to be hit by a clue-by-four.
*Him: I haven't had sex in a year and a half.
*Me: K, gotta pee.

I seriously paraphrased that conversation - it lasted closer to fifteen minutes and by the time I got back from the porta-potty (oh wonderful) the band was done packing their stuff up and hanging out backstage. And there were bouncers blocking the exit.


But never fear, beer to the rescue. I walked confidently past the bouncer, who spun around and asked me where the hell I thought I was going, to which I replied "LEAVING." Apparently that was enough for the peanut gallery and he turned his back to me... so I quickly changed my trajectory and headed towards the band and then I hear Ben Rudd go "you DID make it!"

Why yes, yes I did.

And I managed to keep my get-it-on humpy move all to myself, TYVM.

We all introduced ourselves to eachother (Ben Rudd is actually named Matt, and Dane Cook is Dave... whaddya know, people have real names) and I apologized for my creepiness the night before (Utica Club happens, folks, and it's typically not a pretty picture). I talked with them and Walt (the bass player) and their friend Kristie for close to an hour... and was pleasantly surprised with how NOT awkward the whole situation was. I mean, I was standing in a circle with people who have known eachother for years and they just know me as the alcoholic creeper that shows up drunk to their shows - and it was actually more comfortable than hanging out with some people I consider my friends.

(Yeah, the lightbulb went on.)

After parting ways, I went back to Joe's all fired up. We all went downtown to Half Penny - I've been telling Chris Dousharm for months that I'll come see his band and something always comes up when he plays, so I had to make it this time. Once again, I spent a good amount of time just shooting the shit about the old days with him... back when Bill and Mike were raspberry and pineapple and we named our band Part-Time Punk and how we used to go mini-golfing all the time (and allllll that). Joe and his friends all left, but I stayed to watch them play. Then I met some Eagle Scouts doing a bar crawl and went to Kitty Hoynes with them, only to get a free drink from Kristin. It was one last perfect weekend in Syracuse...and a good ending to the last four years.

I'm pretty stoked to be moving home. As much as it sucks that I'm going to be stuck in the sticks, it'll be good for me to get out of this "me me me" city and spend time with more down-to-earth people. I don't think I'll miss this place. I think I've grabbed what Syracuse had to offer and exhausted its possibilities and it's time for something new....

(Ok, now I go get Wendy's chili. Perfect hangover cure!)


Donny Walnuts said...

Dear Amanda,

I'm very concerned on several levels. One... you haven't text me in a very long time and I fear that you hate me for a number of reasons.

That being said, I think you made this post intentionally long so that I wouldn't be able to read it in one sitting at work today.

I miss you and your ramblings.

starting a band eh?

-- I play bass. =)

Auf Wiedersehen,


Amanda said...

yeah but you live in albany :( and i'm sure as hell not playing bass.

as you can tell my life is ridic... right now i have the week off though so i'm just sitting around and doing nothing (except i put my bunny on craigslist this morning =/).

also my father has rescinded my free-for-all text messaging until i decide to cough up the money... and since $30 only buys 3 drinks in NYC it'll be a month or so til i get all my texts back.

also also i was ticked at you because you kept fighting with me over the mojito incident.

Donny Walnuts said...

I thought you might be torked about that a little. I still don't understand it. Judging an area and the restaurants in that area based on one? I mean, I don't own a foam finger that says "Mohawk Valley" on it or anything, but I'm obviously not on any sort of mohawk valley hate train either...

Your argument had the equivalence of saying the Yankees are doing poorly because the Mets are slumping. It just doesn't make sense.

This irrationality of the argument was only further prounounced when you illustrated that from top to bottom; management, to line cook, to bartender, to waitress were a bunch of fuck ups.

To me that says more about the staff that the company hires rather than it's clientèle or geographical location.

In either case, I'm sorry... I wasn't questioning your intelligence on the situation. It just seemed like an unnecessary knock on the MV.

Bunny... Craigslist? wtf?

I'm not understanding this rescinding of texts either. That sucks. If that were me, you might as well just take my phone away. I send more texts, and spend more time doing so then actual minutes used in a month calling people.

I can play bass for people back home. If you practice on weekends it wouldn't be difficult for me at all to make it home to practice. Not like I don't have a place to stay or anything.

So you're doing nothing on your week off? sounds boring as shit. Sounds like you're going to go to NYC soon though (I'm jealous).

Keep me up to date via e-mail, or hell.. the comment section here, I thought you died or were in like some sort of super mario like hatred of me.

Amanda said...

i don't know... the people there were pretty herp derp and if i had the chance i'd go to another 99 elsewhere and see if it were the same deal to make my point more resounding... if they were normal elsewhere and just retarded in new hartford, i'd be more willing to say it's the area.

i was actually just pissed because i really freaking wanted a mojito AND I COULDN'T GET ONE. and i cant get thai food out there either =/

yeah, we don't have unlimited messages anymore... but i still get the internet on the phone (if he was really smart, he would have given me my old phone back, because unlimited texting is cheaper than the 3g plan for the iphone haha).

if you wanna play, we're doing a 90s cover band! i've got a set list started and stuff, so i'll email you a bit later.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donny Walnuts said...

well you also said that it seemed that they were out of a portion of the drink, i don't remember what it was... sour perhaps? but they tried to pass it off as having it, the bartender gave you the drink despite not having all the ingredients?

Stupid Bartender IMO.

Even if another 99's is better, that doesn't say anything about NH, because there are a ton of good restaurants there. That just again enforces the idiocy of that particular establishment top to bottom like I made mention of before.

Now if you went to several restaurants throughout NH and had the same results, then there may be room for that quantification among NH restaurants.

and Shit... if I was looking for a good meal and a good drink and I was in NH, the first place I'd look would have been Zebb's. Non-chain restaurants are awesomer.

So tell me why don't you cough up the $30 for your unlimited texts again? seems a cheap price to pay if your parents are paying for the plan too... I Pay my parents right now for my portion of the plan and it runs me $35. Which rocks... but unfortunately provides no iPhone, or iPhone awesomeness.

I'm intrigued by this 90's covers idea... I'll have to see the set list before I decide one way or the other. What are you going to play if you're not playing Bass???

Mr. Condescending said...

amanda come back! I need a trailer hunting partner :(

Amanda said...

i'll hunt trailers out this way for you! btw i have a couple pictures you'll appreciate, though i'm far less able-handed with the camera...

Mr. Condescending said...

Oh woo hoo! Send em to trailerfun at gmail whenever you're ready!