Saturday, August 29, 2009

quickie bj

I'm completely bushwhacked.

I started school again this past week and just in five days it feels like my world has been turned upside-down... I can't sleep, I can't eat, my period started a week early (yeah, while on HBC - this is probably Not Good), I'm always freaking thirsty and I have migraines again. It's completely ridiculous. I remember being this way my sophomore year at Syracuse and I figured it was because I didn't like the situation I was in, but apparently this is just what extreme stress does to my body.

For the most part my classes are interesting. I'm taking health care and the law (sweet), health care delivery in the US (AKA talk a whole bunch about Obama's health care plan... wonderful), technical writing (where the prof is a super hippie who gives us SMOKE BREAKS and talks about Zig Zags), calculus (barf) and accounting (which didn't actually start this week). The two health courses are online, accounting is once a week at night while writing is twice at night and calculus is MWF at 9am (super barf).

And just FYI, world? When you introduce letters into math, IT BECOMES ENGLISH.

(As you can see, I'm super perturbed about calculus. The professor is a hardcore Russian lady who enjoys picking people out to do "math" on the board... And I had to ask my sister how to MULTIPLY FRACTIONS the other day. This will be... interesting.)

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