Thursday, December 17, 2009

oh, you don't know the shape i'm in.

Shit guys, I never update.

Joe and I are back together... please sigh your collective sighs and leave your whys at the door, I'm tired as balls of hearing them. We're happy and in love and got a Christmas tree and named him Frederick and I made a star for the top out of tinfoil and duct tape (sweet MacGyver skills brah!). I currently have $300 in my savings account for our trip to Florida in March - five blissfull days of Mets spring training, Disney World, Disney World, and more Disney World.

(I love Disney World.)

I finished out my first semester at sunyit with a lovely, round 3.0. I could have done better (um, I didn't do a LOT of assignments in my online classes, but still ended up with a B and an A-) but I PASSED CALCULUS. I'm still not sure what a derivative is... or does... but I do know that I'll never need to take that or the antiderivative of any equation ever again. I'm also not sure in what universe that a C+ could be rendered from having test scores of 93 and 42 and quiz grades in the 60s unless I got a 100 on the final (no chance, not at all) or Zora felt like making my Christmas special. Either way, I APPROVE.

I got an amazing phone call from my tech writing professor (who, I'm fairly certain, didn't know my name until halfway through the semester). I won't say tons about it now, but it involves me going to NYC the day after Christmas, a pretty sweet concert, and obviously my writing skills. To say I'm stoked is an understatement...


Like, really freaking bad.

Not a lot else going on, honestly. Working a lot... and finally falling into part-time status instead of the per diem that I've been for the last six years. Still no pay raise, but I recently brought in upwards of $200K in revenue, so I'm hoping to see something from that! (Really I just would like to earn my money for Florida and not have to sell all of my personal belongings and maybe my vagina on the internet...)

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