The moral of the story is Amanda shouldn't handle electronics after she's done a power hour... or after drinking in general. I've busted a phone while drunk before; it was 2005 at a band party, and I remember dropping it and it breaking into three pieces and making my friends put it back together... and it happened three times in a row. So I should have learned my lesson.
I never learn lessons.
Now the screen turns white. It still works if you wanna get all technical about it, and frankly, if I were hellbent on still keeping it, I could make like a blind man and touch the screen where the things SHOULD be, but then I might end up calling 911 instead of my boyfriend. (What do you mean, 911 doesn't like it when I talk dirty to them?) But Apple wants to charge me $200 to repair the white-out screen and AT&T won't talk to me because I'm not an "authorized user" (hey! fuck you too!)... so I went to Radio Shack, bought a $30 go-phone, put my SIM card in and now I have a perfectly functioning flip phone.
With T9 word.
And a really terrible font.
And I can't choose my default ringtone.
And I can't check my email.
It has no camera, no front display (um... how am I supposed to screen my calls ffs?), no internet capabilities, NO CUBES (this is the saddest part of all) or other games... I can basically call, text (not easily) and set an alarm.
But I've made my bed and I'll lay in it. I turned off my data plan - well, had my dad turn off the data plan, because AT&T says I don't exist - and have been kicking it old school by checking my email on *GASP* the computer. I'm thinking about getting a Blackberry (on eBay) with my tax return, but not completely sold on making the switch. It'll be fine, I can talk to people...
...but GOD DAMN this is like quitting cocaine cold-turkey.
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